How To Build Your Practice’s Social Media Presence

Most business owners understand that they could benefit from social media, or they’ve heard that they should be using these tools. However, if you’re not currently using social media, starting can feel overwhelming. How do you get started? What do you have to say? As these questions pile up, it can be easier to just not start at all. Don’t worry! We’ve got some tips to make building your dental practice’s social media presence easy. You’re going to love the benefits that come with these tools.

Before You Start Sharing a Message, You Have to Choose a Platform

Before you can begin engaging with any form of social media, you have to decide on which platforms you’d like to use. The nature of your business, and your goals for social media use will determine which platforms are best for you. For most dental practices, Facebook and Instagram are your best options. These platforms are visual and community-based. Once you choose your platforms, you can start building your message.

Decide What Your Practice Has to Say

This is the other intimidating part of starting on social. What does your practice have to say? Do you want to position yourself as the expert for a particular procedure? Do you want to be the practice that’s all about family dentistry or education? Take stock of your actual physical practice and decide which values and aspects of your business are most important to you. Then create content that expresses those ideas online.

Use Social Media as a Community-Building Tool

One of the most useful applications for dental practices on social media is as a community-building tool. Your social media channels are not advertising channels. Instead, use them to help inform and engage with patients you already have. Start conversations about home care and remind people to use their dental benefits. When people opt in to your community, they’ll be more likely to engage.

For More Helpful Consulting Advice, Work with MDPM

If you need help generating content and managing your social media channels, MDPM Consulting is here. We specialize in dental practices, so we’ve picked up plenty of tips and tactics along the way. You can learn about our full range of content creation services by contacting our team at MDPM Consulting in Dallas, TX at 972-781-8861.